Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are any teaching and learning materials that are made available to others to use without cost, and with an open license that allows them to reuse, revise and redistribute them. This module will outline the advantages of using OERs, qualities that make a resource “open”, and provide you with some key concepts that will prepare you to use, adapt, and create your own open educational resource
Learning Outcomes
- Explain what makes an educational resource open
- Give examples of why learners and instructors value and use open educational resources
- Define each of the 5Rs, of OER and describe the associated permissions
- Identify workflows for adopting, adapting and creating OER
- Identify and evaluate sources of open educational resources
- Describe a set of steps for sharing OER
- Develop and share an open educational resource
Image Credit:Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash (Unsplash License)
Last updated on October 25, 2021 @10:24 am