On this page you can access archives of the past synchronous session, slides, padlets, and more.
2023 POSE Site Open Resources
All of the POSE resources and course elements are open and openly licensed. Please use, revise and remix. You can import the XML file below into any instance of WordPress or Pressbooks. All POSE course content is licensed CC-BY unless otherwise stated. Please contact us if you require guidance setting up your own Open Scholarship program or adapting and revising these resources for your context.
POSE Suggested Attribution
The Program for Open Scholars and Educators (POSE) by the University of British Columbia, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
2023 Open Education Chat
Open pedagogies and resources are enabling faculty to reduce barriers to learning by opening their classrooms, developing new educational resources, and contributing their efforts to public knowledge. When an instructor creates open educational resources or opens their educational practices, they are, in effect, publishing their teaching. Tenure and promotion committees are starting to recognize these efforts and, since 2016, the UBC Senior Appointments Committee (SAC) Guide to Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Procedures at UBC (pdf) included contributions to open educational resources and repositories as a possible criteria for evidence of educational leadership for those instructors in UBC’s educational leadership stream. In this recorded round table round table discussion, UBC faculty members and open education leaders discuss their experiences, including challenges and successes, in representing their open education work for tenure and promotion.
2023 Open Research Chat
In this recorded POSE talk, Dr. Ben Motz, an assistant professor at Indiana University’s Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, ties a lot of themes of open scholarship together. In the talk, Dr. Motz describes that, for applied research in higher education, a challenge is the variability of learners and learning settings, and that there are legitimate questions about whether any one finding might be expected to generalize across classes. His ManyClasses research approach tests the generalizability of educational interventions in real classrooms and relies heavily on transparency in their methods and findings.
2023 POSE Kick Off Session
2022 POSE Site Open Resources
All of the POSE resources and course elements are open and openly licensed. Please use, revise and remix. You can import the XML file below into any instance of WordPress or Pressbooks. All POSE course content is licensed CC-BY unless otherwise stated. Please contact us if you require guidance setting up your own Open Scholarship program or adapting and revising these resources for your context.
POSE Suggested Attribution
The Program for Open Scholars and Educators (POSE) by the University of British Columbia, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
POSE 2022 – The 6R’s of Indigenous OER: Re imagining OER to Honour Indigenous Knowledge and Sovereignty
Open education is grounded in Western notions of copyright law and ownership and it often has a goal of making all knowledge available for all people. Within Canadian Copyright Law there is tension with Indigenous Knowledges, Ways of Knowing and Being. Within the open education community there needs to be careful consideration for Indigenous Knowledges and self-determination, which are deeply rooted in community defined ethics and protocols, and that do not fit into ordinary academic contexts.
The below is a recording of a POSE open chat with Kayla Lar-Son who explored some of the concerns around OER and Indigenous Knowledges, while exploring tools, principles, and practices for engaging with Indigenous communities. Kayla Lar-Son is Metis and Ukrainian Settler, originally from Treaty 6 Territory. She is currently the Indigenous programs and services librarian for the Xwi7xwa library at UBC and the program manager librarian for the Indigitization program.
January 18, 2022 – synchronous session recording and materials
POSE Synchronous Kick off session (Recording, Slides, padlets)