Open Research Shared Reflection

In this activity, we’ll be taking a moment to reflect on Open Research and share some different ways it could be applied to our work.

Step 1: Brainstorm!

Take three minutes and think about any of your research processes, practices, or tools that are not currently open that you’d like to be open. Write down as many ideas as you have (on a piece of scratch paper or on your own computer).


  • I don’t publish much or any of the data that underlies my research
  • I’ve never pre-registered a study

Now choose one of your above ideas and write down two or three practical steps that you could accomplish in a couple of hours that would help you begin to meet your idea.


  • Make my research plans more transparent by pre-registering my next study
    • Research different types of pre-registration that would be relevant to my work
    • Review different places or platforms for preregistration in my discipline
    • Review the templates and processes for preregistration at those platforms/sites
    • Choose a preregistration site and develop the strategy (i.e. collect the information needed) to preregister my next research plan

Step 2: Share!

Take your ideas and getting started steps and share them with the group. To do so, we’ll be using a padlet, which is a form of an online sticky note board. To get started, click on the + symbol in the bottom right of the below padlet to start a blank note and then write or paste your idea into the new note.

Add your reflections to the padlet below.

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