The Open Research Unit is under re-development for the May 2025 POSE program.
In this unit, participants will learn about the importance of transparency for replicability and reproducibility of research, and the tools available to create open workflows supporting all stages of the research lifecycle.
Big Ideas
As you work your way through the modules on Open Research, reflect on the following questions:
- How can increasing transparency of project processes (e.g., methodologies and data collection) improve the research and help to advance knowledge?
- How can open collaborative methods (e.g., providing metadata, file sharing, working in reproducible environments) increase efficiency and widen engagement with your research?
- Are there open datasets in your discipline that you could learn from and make use of? What are the biggest hurdles preventing you from “opening” the data from your own research?

For this unit, you will complete:
- 3 modules with a mixture of content types (4 hours)
- NOTE: hyperlinks to outside resources and opportunities to “Dig Deeper” are optional.
- 2 activities from the Activity Bank (30-45 minutes)
- A synchronous workshop (1 hour)
- A synchronous discussion session (1 hour)
- A Shared Reflection (20 minutes)